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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).

Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales will only appraise and, where applicable, publish original manuscripts that have not been submitted to or accepted for publication by any other journal with an editorial register (ISBN or ISNN).

The journal will allow brief notes up to 2,500 words long, book reviews and comments on topical issues (in this case upon invitation by the Editorial Board).

The original manuscript, either in English or Spanish, will be submitted in a Word file.

In the case of articles, manuscripts will not be longer than 25 pages with spacing set at 1.5, which is the equivalent of approximately 8,000 words, including tables, graphs, annexes and bibliographical references. Furthermore, manuscripts should (a) Be preceded by a page containing the title, authors’ names, professional addresses, telephone number and e-mail, and (b) Contain a separate page with a summary of the manuscript both in Spanish and English, together with the keywords and two-digit JEL codes.

EARN does not require the manuscripts submitted to have any specific format to be evaluated. However, there are format rules for publishing that will be sent to authors in case their manuscripts would be accepted for publication:

1) The first page will contain:

  • The title of the manuscript in Times New Roman 14 and bold type. The title in English will be centred, in Times New Roman 12 and bold type.
  • Authors’ names (in full, not only initials) and surnames.
  • Author affiliation, indicated in a footnote. Letters will be used to mark the footnote.
  • A brief abstract (100 words maximum) in Spanish and English.
  • Several keywords in Spanish and English (maximum of five). They will be written in lower case and alphabetical order. The first letter of the first keyword must be upper case. The keywords in English must be written in the same order as in Spanish (full stop at the end).
  • JEL codes (2 digits). Full stop at the end.

2) The main text will be written in Times New Roman 12.

3) Section titles will always be written with lower case and bold type letter. Titles will be numbered; subsections will not. Authors should avoid an excessive number of subsections.

4) When authors list items, round bullets in bold type and a margin of 1 cm. will be used (as in Item 2 above). The list of items will end with a full stop.

5) All the Tables, Figures or Maps included in the paper will be numbered correlatively. Clarifying notes will be placed below the table, graph or map. Authors will always include the source, also below the table, graph or map (and below any clarifying notes). If the author is responsible for elaborating the table, graph or map, the caption should read as follows: "Source: Own elaboration" (full stop at the end). Authors must indicate where tables, graphs and maps should go in the text expressly if they are not already in place.

6) Tables will be constructed as Word Tables.

7) In order to reproduce figures, authors will submit, together with the Word file including the manuscript, an Excel spreadsheet, in which each “sheet” (called Figure 1, Figure 2, …) contains the numerical information necessary to reproduce each figure.

8) Equations will be constructed using the Word equation editor and will be numbered. The number of the equation will be in square brackets and right-justified. Notes will be numbered correlatively and as superscripts, their content being included in footnotes with single spacing (Times New Roman 10).

9) Any complementary material will be included in the Appendix.

10) Decimal numbers will be separated by a dot, not a comma, both in tables and also in the text. Thousands must be separated by a comma.

11) The Author (year) will be indicated for any quotes in the text. If the quoted paper has more than two authors, it will be referred to as follows: Martínez et al. (1988). If authors wish to include the page number, they must do so as follows: Pérez (1998; pag. 33). If the quote were in brackets, authors must use square brackets as follows: [see author (year)].

12) Bibliographical references will conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) standards in its Publication Manual. They will be included at the end of the manuscript under the title of References, in alphabetical order by author and in the following format:

Articles: Bullock, D.S., Salhofer, K. and Kola, J. (1999). “The normative analysis of agricultural policy: A general framework and review”. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 50(3): 512-535.

  • When a name has several initials, do not leave space between them.
  • Word initials will appear in lower case letter (except in the case of proper nouns).
  • If the title is in English, the first letter after ‘:’ will be upper case.

Books: Baumol, W.J. and Oates, W.E. (1975). The Theory of Environmental Policy. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.

Book chapter: Adamowicz, W. (1995). “Alternative valuation techniques: a comparison and movement to synthesis”. In Willis, K. and Corkindale, J. (Eds.): Environmental Valuation: New Perspectives. CAB International, Oxon: 144-159.

Conference papers: Barreiro, J., Casado, J.M. and Pérez y Pérez, L. (2005). “Incorporating uncertainty and zero values into the valuation of protected areas and species”. Paper presented at the XI Congreso Europeo de Economía Agraria, Copenhagen.

Do not include the dates the Conference was held.

Official Publications: MAPA. (2004). Plan Nacional de Regadíos. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Madrid.

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