Impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) practices on Sustainability and Organisational Performance
TQM, sustainability, organizational performance, exploratory factor analysisAbstract
Total quality management (TQM) has been identified as a key driver of organizational performance in public and private organizations. Organizational culture, along with TQM and sustainability has been investigated to understand its contributions to organizational performance. TQM has become a crucial pillar for growth and development due to the growing expansion of manufacturing sectors of the world. TQM practices, which may differ in manufacturing firms, are said to be important for effective TQM adoption. However, it was found that organizational performance can be achieved if TQM practices in manufacturing businesses are well managed. Therefore, this study is carried out and the purpose of the study is to propose a conceptual model to investigate the relationship between TQM practices, sustainability, and organizational performance and to demonstrate the impact on organizational performance. The data underlying this study was collected by using a questionnaire survey in the manufacturing industries. The tool of analysis was used for the study through Factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The findings of the study revealed that total quality management and sustainability are the most important approaches to the success of the performance of manufacturing industries. The results show that TQM and sustainability have a positive impact on organizational performance. In the radiance of these outcomes, a framework was created in view of relationship between significant practices of TQM, sustaibanility and organistaional performance. Generally, it is accepted that total quality management can produce a sustainable competitive benefits in organisational performance.
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