Overview of Second Chance Schools in the Province of Malaga (Spain): A case Study





Training, Early school leaving (ESL), Second chance school (SCS), Young people


The rate of early school leavers (ESL) in Andalusia is relatively high, reaching 21.8% in 2020. This will condition the employability of specific population sectors and, to some extent, other exclusionary dynamics. Second Chance Schools (E20) are proposed as an educational alternative for those who have dropped out of school early.

In this paper, we will analyze the profile of E20 users in the Malaga province and their motivations and expectations. We found that the majority of the participants in the Second Chance School programs in the province of Malaga are Spanish women aged 16-22 years old and living in Malaga City.

The average drop-out age is 16 years old, and the main reason is demotivation and disinterest (29.5%, followed by family reasons (25.3%). The primary motivation for returning to studies is "self-improvement." The level of satisfaction of the participants is relatively high and has a very positive effect on other areas of life.


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Author Biographies

Almudena Macías León, Universidad de Málaga

Department of Social Psychology, Social Work and Social Anthropology

Rafael Arrendondo Quijada, Universidad de Málaga

Department of Social Psychology, Social Work and Social Anthropology


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How to Cite

Macías León, A., & Arrendondo Quijada, R. (2023). Overview of Second Chance Schools in the Province of Malaga (Spain): A case Study. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, 10(2), 94–110. https://doi.org/10.4995/muse.2023.20153


