IT enabled service delivery innovation from quality perspective
Information technology enabled services, Service delivery innovation, Information quality, Service qualityAbstract
The objective is to understand how information and service quality to influence of IT enabled service (ITeS), then to enhance service delivery innovation (SDI). This study bases ITeS to elaborate two research questions by adopting Rodosek’s business reference model. Consequently, we conduct a case study approach, by deriving proposals concerning the relationships among two quality perspectives, ITeS, and SDI in a Taiwanese publishing company. In the end, we concluded three related findings. Firstly, the company based on service orientated to provide basic service functions to encourage more users to enjoy their services, as well as facilitating collaborative work via the online discussion area. Secondly, the company adopted advanced service functions to extend their service scopes to end-users, such as download the news into handheld devices. Finally, the company utilized the supporting service functions to assist customers integrating the ideas and plans.Downloads
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