An initiative to improve oral and written skills of Engineering Students


  • Maria Teresa Baeza-Romero Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Fuensanta Andrés Abellán Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Oral and written skills, Workshop, Oral presentation assessment, Critical thinking, Peer evaluation


In this paper, we describe some activities that have been developed to written and oral skills in students of Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the School of Industrial Engineering in Toledo. Among these activities, we have designed a workshop, included in welcome activities of the school for first year students and two learning activities included in chemistry module. In the workshop, we explained the key points to consider when an oral or written presentation is prepared. Moreover, we tried to make conscious to our students of the importance of the development of written and oral skills. In addition, we have designed an assessment method for oral skills and other skills like critical thinking in the chemistry module, though an exercise that combines conventional evaluation with peer evaluation. As part of this work, an assessment rubric has been developed to mark oral presentations.


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Author Biographies

Maria Teresa Baeza-Romero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Departamento Química-Física

Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial de Toledo

Fuensanta Andrés Abellán, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Departamento de Matemáticas

Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial de Toledo


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How to Cite

Baeza-Romero, M. T., & Andrés Abellán, F. (2014). An initiative to improve oral and written skills of Engineering Students. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, 1(1), 83–100.


