The Influence of Industrialisation on the work of Gerrit Rietveld: from the Module to the Kernhuis




Gerrit Rietveld, industrialisation, modulation, grid, Habraken


The appearance of new paradigms in the early 20th century due to the impact of industrialisation unleashed a reformulation of the strategies used for building from the beginning to the creative phase. This paper examines in depth how architect Gerrit Rietveld used industrialisation and the strategy used in his work at the time of the so-called Functionalist Period by analysing his different projects. Without an exhaustive analysis of all his work, the aim was to get to know another facet of the Utrecht architect apart from his best known neoplastic compositional facet, related to his preoccupation with responding to social needs by the efficient organization of space, making use of industrial products and with a special interest in the constructive aspect of his projects. Finally, Rietveld’s figure is associated with that of Habraken and the connections between both Dutch architects are analysed.


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Author Biography

Ruth Arribas Blanco, Universitat Politècnica de València

Profesor asociado


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Research articles
Received 2020-11-28
Accepted 2021-09-13
Published 2021-10-29