Javier de Winthuysen’s “regenerationist” pedagogy of the garden and the landscape
Art of gardens, landscape design, pedagogy, regenerationism, Javier de WinthuysenAbstract
One of the most important Spanish garden and landscape designers of the early 20th century, Javier de Winthuysen (1874-1956) was also a pioneer in the reflection on education in the field of garden and landscape. Yet the educational dimension of his reflection and his work has been little studied so far. The following lines aim to partially fill this gap. The educational dimension of Winthuysen's work is thought to constitute an extremely pertinent way into an in-depth understanding of the ideas of a landscape designer who never ceased to relate the question of the art of gardens and the role of landscape design to the social debates and the intellectual controversies that agitated his time.
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This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Accepted 2021-04-23
Published 2021-04-30