A contemporary approach to the graphic representation of the urban experience
Architectural Graphic Expression, urban cartography, Geographic Information Systems, smart city, Big DataAbstract
In the complex field of urban phenomenon analysis and representation, this text addresses the evolution of works specifically dedicated to investigating the relationships established between individuals and the city. It focuses its attention on one of the less studied aspects: the cartographic representation of subjective, emotional, and perceptual aspects related to the experience of navigating and inhabiting an urban space. The city cannot be considered as a neutral or objective space; on the contrary, there will always be an imaginary construct that shapes and accompanies it. This imaginary construct, which determines our way of perceiving, being, and moving within the city, is fundamental for a comprehensive understanding of urban processes and dynamics. Approaching this dialectical relationship between the physical and subjective dimensions of the city, which is intangible in itself, through analysis and graphic representation is now possible thanks to theoretical and, above all, technological advancements. The objective of this text is to contextualize this process by presenting two frames of reference: one conceptual, linked to the evolution of the term “landscape,” and another methodological, focused on presenting the technical advancements that have been decisive in the evolution of this type of representation. We take a journey through cartographic experiences initiated in the 1960s and arrive at some of the most innovative research lines in this field, such as Biomapping, real-time cartographies, or intelligent cartographies. The aim of the article is to reinforce and emphasize the utility of graphic expression as a tool for urban and territorial decision-making, highlighting its capacity to represent even the most sensitive and complex data. Through a panoramic view of the advancements achieved in recent decades regarding these types of cartographies, it illustrates the interesting convergence that can be delineated today between the traditionally connected areas of graphic expression in Architecture and Urbanism and the new scenarios of data management and analysis.
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Accepted 2023-07-28
Published 2023-10-31
Funding data
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PID 2020-119437RB-I00