Curatorship of exhibitions as research and transfer projects: Somos Agua




exhibition design, research, curatorship, somos agua, fundación canal


The Canal de Isabel II and the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, with researchers from the ETSAM Department of Architectural Composition, have been collaborating for decades and continue to do so. This has resulted in numerous studies focusing on water which have taken on a materiality in the form of exhibitions. This text aims to analyse works of exhibition design and curatorship as valuable research projects, which ultimately aim to address key issues relating to the transfer of knowledge to society. Following a review of earlier research and exhibition work, the latest curation project, titled “Somos Agua”, is analysed. It reflects an evolving line of research, taking on challenges linked to the current context of extreme climate change. Following this analysis the key ideas defining a curatorship are showcased, as is the installation in a given space, creating a playful learning experience which appeals to both general and specialist audiences.


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Findings in...
Received 2023-11-08
Accepted 2024-03-27
Published 2024-04-30