Can sustainable supply chain strategies of company enhance for mitigation of risk damages and long-term resilience? An empirical analysis for the context of COVID-19 pandemic




sustainable supply chain, company’s strategies, stock abnormal returns, risk damages, long-term resilience


This study aims to investigate the effects of sustainable supply chain management strategies of the companies on mitigation of risk damages and long-term resilience through the evaluation of stock abnormal returns of companies listed on the stock markets based on the evidence from the context of COVID-19 pandemic. The empirical analysis was conducted for 63 companies listed on Vietnamese stock market, where plays as an example for emerging stock markets. The data were collected from the quarterly official financial statements of 63 companies between January 2020 and March 2023. Various regression models, including Ordinary Least Squares, Fixed Effects Model, Random Effects Model, and Generalized Least Squares were explored. Found results indicated that the implementing sustainable supply chain management strategies might help to mitigate the negative impact on stock price volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has not been the critical tool to improve the companies’ resilience ability in post pandemic yet.

JEL Codes: F65, F63, G11, G34, G38
Codes of Sustainable Development Goals: SDG17, SDG12, SDG02


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How to Cite

Nguyen , T. N. H., Khuu, T. P. D., Nguyen, Q. H., & Nguyen, M. C. (2024). Can sustainable supply chain strategies of company enhance for mitigation of risk damages and long-term resilience? An empirical analysis for the context of COVID-19 pandemic. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 15, 112–131.



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