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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Provide a completely anonymised version of the manuscript. See How to ensure all files are anonymized.
  • Provide high quality graphics.
  • Provide a fully edited version of manuscript with complete author and co-author information.
  • Provide ethical statement.

Author Guidelines

The EuroCALL Review manuscript template Please use this Word template to submit your paper. To do so, you should store the .DOTX file in the Microsoft templates folder on your computer. By default, user templates files are normally stored in the following location (Windows 7 & 10): C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates

The EuroCALL Review does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).

Before being reviewed, each submission is first checked for:

  • Relevance (i.e. the relationship between technology and language teaching/learning is clearly explicated in the article)
  • Originality/substance (i.e. the paper brings something new to the field)
  • Indication, where appropriate, of rigorous data collection and analysis
  • Bibliography (i.e. up-to-date and relevant to CALL)
  • Language (non-native speakers of English are advised to have their article proof-read by a native speaker prior to submission)
  • Form (i.e. compliance with manuscript requirements, structure and style appropriate to an academic international publication)
  • Plagiarism

If any of the above is deemed unsatisfactory, the editor will notify the authors that their paper is not suitable for publication at this time.

Interactive features: Due to the Journal’s interactive features, authors may include any type of media they wish in their articles (audio, video, animations,…).

Graphic aides: Tables, figures, photographs, graphics, or other digital files which are necessary for comprehension are encouraged. They should include reference citations. Please include them in the text where they should appear AND provide any graphics separately as high resolution files (.JPG, .PNG, .TIFF, etc.).

Title: The title of the article should be brief and allow readers to identify the topic and content easily.

Author(s): Please provide complete affiliation and e-mails of all authors.

Abstract: Please provide an abstract of approximately 300 words. The abstract should include the scope and intention of the paper, with a concise description of the methodology, supporting theories, general results, and main conclusions.

Keywords. Please provide up to six key words of your choice.

Length: Papers should not exceed 5000 words (including abstract, references and appendices).

References: Authors should follow the rules of APA Style.

Ethical statement (required): All papers should be accompanied by a short (50-80 words) statement referring to any external validation of the experiment design, volunteer status of participants, anonymity, conflict of interest, etc., in accordance with practices in their country.

Research papers

This section includes Research Papers, Research and Development Papers, and Reflective Practice Papers.

Papers stemming from the INTENT conference

Papers stemming from the INTENT conference on ‘Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education’ held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of León, Spain, on 14 February 2014.

Privacy Statement

Any personal data you provide will be incorporated into the file called Revistas UPV of Universitat Politècnica de València exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in relation to the data by writing to Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia.