A network-based approach for discourse analysis from Laclau and Mouffe’s perspectives


  • Javad Haditaghi The University of Guilan
  • Jaleh Hassasskhah The University of Guilan
  • Mohammad Amin Sorahi The University of Guilan




discourse analysis, semi-automatic algorithm, moment, nodal point, nodal point of identity, network theory


The current study provides the possibility of merging Laclau and Mouffe’s theory of discourse analysis with network theory to specify an alternative bedstead for studying discourse via a semi-automatic algorithm. To do so, first, considering the text as the discourse of complex system, a semi-automatic algorithm is implemented to transform the interacting linguistic components into a network which is depicted as a graph of vertices connected by edges. Then, some of the graph statistics, e.g. degree, weighted degree, eigenvector centrality, etc., are identified for characterizing the nodes as moments, nodal points, and/or nodal point of identity. Finally, the articulation of the discourse based on the above-mentioned components is studied. The results indicate that the approach is strong enough to pave a way for studying the articulation of the discourse from an alternative view, especially based on Laclau and Mouffe’s theory of discourse analysis.


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Author Biographies

Jaleh Hassasskhah, The University of Guilan

Associate Professor, Department of Language and Literature

Mohammad Amin Sorahi, The University of Guilan

Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature


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