Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas
JIF 2023: 0.3
JCI 2023: 0.25
CiteScore 2023: 0.5
SJR 2023: 0.140
The Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas aims to contribute to thedissemination of scholarly research in the field of language study, especially thatof specialised languages. Whether from a theoretical or a practical perspective,contributions discussing any of the following areas are of particular interest:
Its a peer-review yearly journal of linguistic studies, designed to target an international readership and to contribute to the promotion of knowledge regarding applied linguistics.
The primary goal of the Editorial Board is to provide readers with high quality,empirical research that places great emphasis on professional communication,interactive dialogue and mutual understanding among researchers working in thedistinct areas of specialization within the field of applied linguistics. This highstandard of quality is guaranteed not only by the participation of distinguishedreviewers from across the globe, but also by the thorough process of evaluationto which submissions are subjected. To this end, authors, editors, and reviewersare requested to document the results of their work in a clear and concisemanner as well as to present their work in strict accordance with the guidelinesfor contributors and the instructions for manuscript preparation.
The articles published in RLyLA have been through a double blind peer-review process.
Once the editorial board has confirmed that the article complies with the norms related to style and content as detailed in the authors submission guidelines, the article will be sent to anonymous reviewers who are known for their expertise in the field of study the proposed article focuses on.
The editor will send the results of the review process (reject, accept with changes, or accept) to the authors together with any observations or comments made by the reviewers.
If the article has been accepted, but changes must be made, the author will upload the revised version of the article, which will then undergo a second revision by the same reviewers.
If discussions between an author, editor, and peer reviewer have taken place in confidence, they remain in confidence unless explicit consent has been given by all parties or there are exceptional circumstances. Editors or board members are never involved in editorial decisions about their own work. We do not consider original research papers from editors of the journal.
Peer reviewers who repeatedly produce poor quality, tardy, abusive or unconstructive reviews are not used again. Editors of RLyLA encourage peer reviewers to identify if they have a conflict of interest with the material they are being asked to review, and editors ask that peer reviewers decline invitations requesting peer review where any circumstances might prevent them producing fair peer review.
The journal is published annually in July, so the submitting articles end on November 30th last year.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public, which encourages greater global exchange of knowledge.
JIF 2023: 0.3
JCI 2023: 0.25
CiteScore 2023: 0.5
SJR 2023: 0.140