Inflection of gender in Spanish as a foreign language. Contributions and didactic implications of a corpus study




Spanish as a foreign language, gender, learner corpus


Taking as a reference the main descriptive and pedagogical grammars of Spanish, instructional treatments, and previous studies on gender processing, this paper examines the difficulties that Spanish students of different L1s have in the learning of the noun inflection for gender with articles. To this end, more than 45.000 examples extracted from the CAES (Corpus of Spanish Learners) are analysed. Results show that, although students at the lowest levels show the highest number of agrammatical cases, these are even found among the most advanced learners. Students who speak English, Mandarin and Arabic show the greatest difficulties, while a contrary trend is observed among students who have Portuguese and French as their mother tongue. To conclude, we discuss the pedagogical implications of our results and propose examples of classroom applications.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio Miguel Palacios Martínez, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Profesor Titular de Filología Inglesa

Coordinador del programa de doctorado interuniversitario en Estudios Ingleses

Ana Fernández-Dobao, University of Washington

Associate Professor, Spanish Program Director


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