Modelling pre-Hispanic settlement patterns in Alto de Toche, Colombia




landscape archaeology, symbolic archaeology, geoarchaeology, geographic information system (GIS) web app, terrain modelling



  • The research contributes to a better understanding of the forms of settlement in the ancient landscape of Alto de Toche, influenced by Cerro Machin Volcano disaster risk.
  • A terrain modelling reconstructed a geoarchaeological mountain landscape, composed of massive systems of terraces at Alto de Toche Wax Palm cloud forest.
  • From digital photogrammetry in fieldwork, three sites were detailed. A DEM of the settlement pattern projected 37 possible new terraces. The resulting map is accessible in an ArcGIS-online web application.


The enhancement of the archaeological terraces on the Alto de Toche and the Wax Palm forest is unprecedented. The Toche region in Colombia contains an outstanding anthropised ecosystems presence (8000 BP), characterised by complex inherited cultural patterns, according to the evidences on the eastern margin of the Andes Central Cordillera. The research focused on i) the cultural landscape of the Premontane and Montane Cloud Forests of the Alto de Toche, built by the Toches; ii) its high-altitude settlements, interpreted as a strategy of ecological knowledge, deeply linked to their symbolic understanding of the landscape. Fieldwork in three sets of tambos (terraces for habitational settlements) in La Carbonera, Gallego, and Las Cruces sites was analysed using remote sensing, drone digital photogrammetry, and on-site data. Their interpretation projected a settlement pattern; a typological-topological tambos classification inferred its possible functions such as sighting, funerary, and dwelling, from 2600 MASL to biggest sites at 3000 MASL, related to the sun-moon proximity presumed for gatherings. The authors conclude that the patterns respond to a territorial understanding of its resources and the vertical exploitation of the agricultural thermal floors and micro-watersheds, associated with the east-west solar illumination over both sides of the Tochecito River basin; linked with the transit between ridges and steep slopes, through the network of pathways that originated the Quindío Trail. Data were projected crossing field-data photogrammetry with GIS spatial analysis; this resulted in a terrain model that reconstructs a geoarchaeological landscape composed of massive systems of tambos. Thirty-seven new sites were classified, twenty of them above 2800 MASL. The resulting terrain model facilitates a non-invasive previous prospection for fieldwork planning and a more feasible knowledge of accessibility, due to on-site transit difficulties (steep slopes and very unstable soil due to cattle ranching). Finally, the terrain model was uploaded in an easy-to-access ArcGIS-online web application for sharing with community stakeholders and visiting scientists.


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Author Biographies

César Augusto Velandia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

He is an architect and a postdoctoral researcher with a Ph.D. in Geography. He holds a Master’s degree in GIS Urban Development. His research focuses on managing World Heritage Cultural Landscapes in the Latin American and Caribbean region due to natural threats and climate change effects. He uses GIS spatial analysis methods and photogrammetry in Andean, urban, and coastal landscapes as well as heritage buildings.

Daniel Ramírez, Universidad del Tolima

He is an anthropologist and researcher in regional landscape archaeology. He holds a Master’s degree in Territory, Conflict and Culture, specialising in Management and Development of Territorial Entities. He is a member of the Research Group on Regional Archaeology, Heritage and Environment (Arqueo-Region). His expertise includes rural and urban social studies focusing on ethnic resistance and cultural change. Additionally, he has extensive experience conducting archaeological surveys and excavations throughout southwestern Colombia. Currently, he is a professor in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Arts at the University of Tolima.

Jhony Carvajal, Universidad del Tolima

He is an archaeologist, museologist, and professor with a Master's degree in Conflict, Territory, and Culture. He specialises in environmental management and environmental impact assessment and is a member of the Research Group on Regional Archaeology, Heritage, and Environment (Arqueo-Region). He has extensive experience in conducting archaeological surveys and excavations. Currently, he is a professor in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Arts at the University of Tolima. 

David Bejarano, Universidad del Tolima

He is a Biologist with a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences. He is a photographer, mountaineer, and professional climber. His research focuses on the thermal ecophysiology of Anolis huilae. He conducted morphological observations, studied roost fidelity, and investigated the microhabitat use of this species. In addition, he also worked with bats, birds - specifically the Rufous-fronted Parakeet (Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons), rodents, and orchids.


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How to Cite

Velandia, C. A., Ramírez, D., Carvajal, J., & Bejarano, D. (2024). Modelling pre-Hispanic settlement patterns in Alto de Toche, Colombia. Virtual Archaeology Review, 15(31), 37–53.




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