Virtual reconstruction of the disappeared Valencia Oil Market (Spain)




Valencian Gothic architecture, architectural restitution, cultural heritage, documentation, 3D reconstruction



  • This paper proposes the virtual reconstruction of the Valencia Oil Market building, of which there are neither archaeological remains nor photographic images.
  • An analysis methodology that allows us to obtain the dimensions of the building from the archival documentary information on the surrounding buildings is developed.
  • The first graphic representation of the building is presented, as no proposal has been set out for the virtual reconstruction to date.


This article proposes the virtual reconstruction of a disappeared building from medieval Valencia, known in historiography as Lonja del Aceite, Llotja de l'Oli or Llotja Vella, which was the predecessor of the current Lonja de la Seda, a building declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It was a small building, probably built sometime between the 14th century and the first half of the 15th century; it survived until 1877, when it was demolished as part of the hygienist policies of the 19th century. The singularity of the reconstruction process lies in the absolute lack of physical remains that could constitute the starting point; there is no reliable graphic or photographic representation, beyond the schematic images contained in two perspective plans of the city of Valencia: Mancelli’s (1608) and Tosca’s (1704). As a result, there is still no reliable image of the building as it was at the time of its construction. The three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction has been based on the discovery of unpublished graphic and urban planning documentation; its analysis and validation has been complemented by an in-depth urban study based on historical cartographies. The objective is to determine, in the most objective possible way, its dimensions and location. On the other hand, concerning the formal and constructive definition, a comparative study has been resorted to with the Valencian and Italian architecture contemporary to the original building. The Lonja del Aceite, Oil Market, virtual reconstruction recovers the image of a practically unknown building in the history of Valencia, recovering that lost image with the aim of reintegrating it, in some way, into the collective consciousness.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Llopis Verdú, Universitat Politècnica de València

Phd. Architect and Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València in the Architectural Graphic Expression Department. His research lines are focused on the analysis of documentary and cartographic information on architectural heritage and on the study of new architectural graphic strategies after the arrival of digital drawing.

Nicolás Gutiérrez-Pérez, Universidad de Alcalá

Nicolás Gutiérrez-Pérez is a PhD in Architecture (developed thanks to an FPU grant) and Master's Degree in Advanced Architectural Design (Extraordinary Prize) from the University of Alcalá - UAH (Madrid). He has been awarded a postdoctoral grant Ayuda Margarita Salas (UAH) for a stay at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. His research focuses on the analysis, reconstruction and dissemination of disappearing architectural heritage through the application of new graphic methods.

Ignacio Cabodevilla-Artieda, Universitat Politècnica de València

Ignacio Cabodevilla Artieda is PhD in architecture with a European Mention and Extraordinary Award from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV 2019) and is a Lecturer in the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression. He is a member of the Architecture Colour Research Group (GICA) of the Heritage Restoration Institute (IRP) of the UPV. His research focuses on the study of colour in architecture, both modern and historical, and the heritage architecture of the Crown of Aragon. He has participated in national and international competitive research projects about architectural heritage and colour in architecture, as well as in research contracts with several public administrations and private companies.


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How to Cite

Llopis Verdú, J., Gutiérrez-Pérez, N., & Cabodevilla-Artieda, I. (2024). Virtual reconstruction of the disappeared Valencia Oil Market (Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 15(31), 86–103.


