Museo Virtual Hiperrealista
3D digitalization, Photo-realistic, 3D interaction, Augmented virtual realityAbstract
Hiperrealistic Virtual Museum is a proposal of GAVLE; Cultural Heritage Documentation Company. This project try to create a new method for
documentation, catalogation, analysis, restoration and diffusion purposes applied for museums, archaeological sites or research centers using the most modern technologies. The first step is create a high resolution digitalization of the objects; thus, the possibilities growing up like the quality of the products. This project plan the regeneration of some departments of the museums, decreasing costs and increasing the quality of the products and creating news ways for 3D diffusion purposes.
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D-ARCH’2009 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Volume XXXVIII-5/W1 ISSN 1682-177.
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