Registro tridimensional acumulativo de la secuencia estratigráfica. Fotogrametría y SIG en la intervención arqueológica de lo Boligni (Alacant)


  • Ana Mª Charquero Ballester Universitat d’Alacant
  • Jordi A. López Lillo Universitat d’Alacant



Methodology, Archaeological record, Stratigraphy, Digital photogrammetry, GIS


In this paper a stratigraphic recording methodology is presented after a practial experience at the lo Boligni archaeological site. This experience has allowed, on the basis of cenital stereo-photo pairs, the digitalization of interfacial surfaces through high density point clouds renderization as the excavation went on, in order to obtain a Three-dimmensional Cummulative Model (TCM) of the stratigraphical sequence. It will be exposed the way some easy and affordable digital tools are used at the excavation in order to achieve a massive data recovery, and how their integration in CAD and GIS environments opens new possibilities for the everyday archaeological information treatement.


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Author Biographies

Ana Mª Charquero Ballester, Universitat d’Alacant

Máster en Arqueología Profesional. Universitat d’Alacant. España

Jordi A. López Lillo, Universitat d’Alacant

Becario de Investigación, Área de Arqueología. Universitat d’Alacant. España


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How to Cite

Charquero Ballester, A. M., & López Lillo, J. A. (2012). Registro tridimensional acumulativo de la secuencia estratigráfica. Fotogrametría y SIG en la intervención arqueológica de lo Boligni (Alacant). Virtual Archaeology Review, 3(5), 81–88.


