Arquitectura de barro. Reconstrucción gráfica del hábitat del inicio de la Edad del Bronce en el interior peninsular.


  • José Javier Fernández Moreno Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural. Junta de Castilla y León
  • José Ramón Almeida Olmedo SERCAM Servicios Culturales y Ambientales S.C.



Bronze age, Building materials, Spatial organization, Digital model


The results of the excavation of two archaeological sites from the Bronze Age in the province of Soria bring forward valuable information on the structure and town planning of the villages set up on high grounds in the second and third millennium BC, which are the oldest villages known in the upper area Duero river.

The building materials found on the sites tell us on the architectural solutions used in those villages. Their distribution, as well as the outlay of the household objects allow for an interpretation of the organization of the villages and the specialization of activities in relation to the different rooms.
In this way, one is provided with relevant information for a virtual reconstruction of these villages, complying with archaeological findings and integrating them into a digital model of the area.


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How to Cite

Fernández Moreno, J. J., & Almeida Olmedo, J. R. (2011). Arquitectura de barro. Reconstrucción gráfica del hábitat del inicio de la Edad del Bronce en el interior peninsular. Virtual Archaeology Review, 2(3), 93–97.


