La Fuente de Foncalada (Oviedo): Aplicación de métodos gráficos e infográficos de análisis compositivo y metrológico a la formulación de una hipótesis de Anastilosis Virtual del Monumento
Foncalada, Asturias' Kingdom, Oviedo, Monument fountain, Spa resort, Upper-medieval architectureAbstract
In this work, the application to Foncalada´s fountain of the graphic methodology of compositive analysis tested by the author, and already applied to certain monuments of the Asturian Upper-medieval stage, allows to appreciate the proportional relationships between the different parts of the monument, defining a similar and common development, allowing, in this way, the formulation of a hypothesis of the complete reconstruction of the monument; since it allows to formulate, in hypothesis, the total proportions of the pond, which leads us to determine the specific location of the place of closing or culmination of it, revealing itself as a powerful recovery tool of the archaeological exploration.
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