Effect of Alchornea cordifolia leaf meal inclusion and enzyme supplementation on performance and digestibility of rabbits


  • S.O. Ayodele The Federal Polytechnic
  • O.D. Oloruntola The Federal Polytechnic
  • J.O. Agbede The Federal University of Technology




Alchornea cordifolia, enzyme supplementation, health status, performance, slaughter traits, rabbits


A feeding trial was conducted to study the performance, digestibility and health status of weaner rabbits fed diets including Alchornea cordifolia leaf meal (ALM: 18% crude protein [CP] and 12.9% crude fibre) and supplemented with a multi-enzyme additive (cellulase, xylanase, β-glucanase, α-amylase, protease, lipase). Six experimental diets were arranged factorially: 3 levels of ALM (0, 5 and 10% substituting palm kernel cake: 16.3% CP and 39.1% neutral detergent fibre) combined with 2 levels of enzyme supplementation (0 and 0.35 g/kg). One hundred and eighty healthy, 5-wk-old weaner rabbits of cross-breeds were randomly allotted to 6 dietary treatments (30 rabbits/treatment, 3 rabbits/replicate). Growth rate was not affected (P>0.05) by the main factors (exogenous enzyme and ALM inclusion) and their interactions (13.5 g/d on av.). Daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio decreased (P=0.01) with the ALM inclusion by 8%, but did not affect faecal digestibility. However, enzyme supplementation improved crude protein and crude fibre digestibility (P<0.001) by 6%. In conclusion, ALM inclusion and enzyme supplementation had no adverse effect on the performance and digestibility of rabbits.


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Author Biographies

S.O. Ayodele, The Federal Polytechnic

Department of Agricultural Technology

O.D. Oloruntola, The Federal Polytechnic

Department of Agricultural Technology

J.O. Agbede, The Federal University of Technology

Department of Animal Production and Health. School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology


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