Nutritive value of co-products derived from olivecake in rabbit feeding
olive cake, processing, nutritive value, rabbitsAbstract
Olive cake is one of the main agro-industrial co-products in the Mediterranean area of Spain, with high availability almost all year round. In addition, most of the product is dehydrated, which increases its interest in monogastric species such as rabbits. Nineteen samples from various Spanish oil mills using different processing methods were analysed for their chemical composition and in vitro digestibility. The average composition was [in dry matter (DM) basis]: ash (9.64%), neutral detergent fibre (52.0%), acid detergent fibre (36.8%), acid detergent lignin (19.1%), crude protein (CP) (11.3%), insoluble neutral (8.0%) and acid detergent crude protein (5.15%), ether extract (10.9%) and gross energy (21.9 MJ/kg). DM and CP in vitro digestibility were, on av., 53.4 and 41.4% respectively. High variability was observed among the samples for most of the traits studied. Fibrous fractions were highly correlated among them and negatively with ether extract content, whereas CP was little related to other feed components. A stepwise regression analysis allowed us to determine regression equations to predict DM and CP in vitro digestibilities from chemical composition (R2=0.80 and 0.91, respectively). As regards the current results, olive cake has potential use for rabbits as a source of insoluble fibre and lignin. Crude samples (not oil extracted) combined with sieving to retain the smaller particles have an additional interest, because of their higher energy value and significant supply of high quality fat.
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